(Entry Submitted By: Zhecks Of Limitbreakradio.com)
Location: Xarcabard
Target(s): Shadow Dragon
Suggested Level: 75 (to be safe)
Think of this as a bonus when you're farming Gil from the Gigas here. Check the spawn area of Shadow Dragon and if it's up, kill it, drops over 1k gil upon death (more with Gilfinder) and keep note of ToD of the dragon when you do. Spawn is every 30 mins, if the big NM pops, leave it alone.
Biast, the NM that spawns from Shadow Dragon, can be solo'd be BLM without much difficulty. Anything that avoid most of his melee attacks should be able to solo as well. The main issue is the terrorise effect on his melee hits.
I can solo as a 62 PLD/31 WAR, it is always very close but it can be done. It's worth it for the gil it drops.
Soloed as 63BLU with more than 50% HP and MP left, not hard for most jobs that are at least decent at soloing.
75blu/37nin or /37thf can solo Biast, the NM pop fairly easily, pop a blink spell and stoneskin and its fairly easy if you are decently geared and if at possible have Actinic Burst.
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